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Brand :Rosemary Medipharm
Generic Name:Topical Ointment Rosemary oil:8%, Menthol: 4%, Camphor: 4%
Pharmacological Classification: • Topical analgesic.
Effect Mechanism:

• Rosemarinic acid and two other components of rosemary essence namely ursolic acid and carnosol
possess antioxidant activity which inhibit the inflammatory conditions. . On the other hand it has been demonstrated that ursolic acid is an inhibitor of lipooxygenase and
cyclooxygenase enzymes through which can inhibit the inflammatory processes of joints.
• The other components of rosemary ointment of namely camphor, menthol both have anti inflammatory and analgesic.Properties which potentiate the pharmacological activities of rosemary ointment.

Indications :

. Analgesic, myalgia, neuralgia, supportive therapy for rheumatic disease and peripheral circulatory problems. ​

Consumption during pregnancy and lactation:

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant or are breast-feeding. 

Common side effects :

Although this happens only in rare cases, there have been incidents wherein some people have reported developing dermatitis after using products in which rosemary oil has been added. 

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