Health. value with which our products in your hands
The mission of Kishmedipharm pharmaceutical company is to protect your health
Our approach combined integration of expertise, rich in pharmaceuticals, relying on infrastructure facilities, equipment, and quality production, respectively. We are committed to providing services, stable, and continuous to all stakeholders and partners where we can provide solutions unique to the individual meets the needs of the health care systems of today and tomorrow the country.
داروسازی کیش مدیفارم
Categories for every need
Drug sex
Antiseptic Cream
قلب و عروق
Heart and vessels
Digestive system
Herbal Medicine
Elbow Pain
Pain reliever
کپسول مولتی ویتامین
About kishmedipharm
Health, wealth that is preserved with Kish Medifarm

According to our ethical rules, we respect our patients before our customers because we believe that nothing is more important than the health of those we come into contact with. Therefore, Kish Medipharm Pharmaceutical Group, based on market needs and research, has so far launched its products into the market based on 8 categories, including: Skin products. Diabetes. Sexual drugs. Neurological and psychiatric. Digestive. Pain relievers. Cardiovascular and narcotics. Although we are trying to add to our product line in the near future and devote all our efforts to fulfill our mission of protecting your health.

Articles from Kish Medipharm Pharmaceutical Group

بررسی بهترین پماد سوختگی

برای سوزش گلو (گلو درد) چه قرصی بخوریم؟

آکنه چیست؟ علت اکنه صورت چیست؟

The best pills to reduce the pain period

The best way to relieve period pain

The difference gemifloxacin is an antibiotic and fluoxetine and other drugs nerves | sertraline

The best medicine for itching of the body? Check the types of drug rashes, body

Tablets of ibuprofen for what it is and how in the body Act?

kishmedipharm All products
قرص سیترامگ ب6 حاوی منیزیم سیترات و ویتامین B6 است که به بهبود گرفتگی عضلانی، کاهش میگرن و حفظ سلامت قلب و استخوان‌ها کمک می‌کند. قرص سیترامگ ب6 دارای مزایای متعددی است که شامل موارد زیر می‌شود تسکین گرفتگی عضلانی: کمک به کاهش گرفتگی‌های عضلانی و حفظ سلامت عضلات و استخوان‌ها بهبود عملکرد ذهنی و شناختی: کمک به بهبود عملکرد ذهنی و شناکاهش شدت و دفعات میگرن: کمک به کاهش شدت و دفعات میگرنختی

قرص سیترامگ ب 6 سوپرابیون

ال کارنتین تی جی ای ماسل TGAMUSCLE

TGA MUSCLE L-Carnitine Capsules

قرص کلسیترا سوپرابیون

Calcitra tablets

کپسول مکمل آهن سوپرابیون فرو کامپلیت

Suprabion Ferocomplete iron supplement capsule

کرم سیلور سولفادیازین برنامین ترمیم زخم و سوختگی

Bornamin cream containing EGF and silver sulfadiazine

وی پروتئین ایزوله تی جی ای ماسل (whey protein isolate TGAMUSCLE)

TGA MUSCLE Whey Protein Isolate

وی پروتئین ایزوله kmpsport

KMPSport Whey Protein Isolate

کپسول مگافن کامپاند

Megafen Compound Capsule
